Agenda item

Performance Management Report (Cen.09.05.2016/3)


The Area Council manager introduced the report, which covered the period January – March, 2016.  Attention was drawn to Part A of the report, which provided an overview of performance to date.


Part B of the report highlighted performance against each contract managed by the Area Council.


With regards to the contract with RVS, Members noted that 92 new people had been engaged since the last report, making a total of 509.  A high percentage of those engaged had reported an improvement in their health and wellbeing.


The meeting discussed the continued lack of referrals from GPs to the service, but it was suggested that this could possibly start to change shortly and would be discussed later on in the meeting under Social Prescribing.


Members discussed the contract with the YMCA, noting that 68 new children had been engaged in the last quarter, with a total of 2179 attendances to date.  The meeting noted the focus on accreditation with 33 children having received accreditation, and a further 42 preparing for this.


The meeting discussed the need to ensure the project collected appropriate monitoring information to ensure that any equality group was not being excluded, and it was noted that this information would be provided in the next quarterly report.


With regards to the contract with Kingdom Security, it was noted that the rating for ‘satisfactory quarterly monitoring report and contract management meeting’ was red, due to the report being submitted late.  Consequently the monitoring meeting had to be postponed.  However, performance was positive with 1,243 Fixed Penalty Notices issued to date for littering and 97 for dog fouling. In addition 293 Parking Change Notices had been issued.


The meeting heard how there had been a significant increase in residents willing to provide witness statements.  These had been used successfully in prosecutions. 


Members noted the imbalance between complaints and notices issued, with the majority of complaints about dog fouling, but the majority of notices being for littering.  The need for the continued supply of intelligence was acknowledged.


The meeting discussed the focus of the contract, and it was agreed that littering and dog fouling be the primary focus, with parking being more incidental.


The meeting went on to discuss the contracts with Twiggs, noting that the original contract had come to an end on 20th April, 2016.  In the last quarter Twiggs had engaged 22 adults and collected 567 bags of rubbish.  Ward Alliances in the area had reviewed their service level agreements in readiness for the start of the new contract period.


Members noted the increased use of social media by Twiggs, highlighting the areas where they had worked.


The meeting went on to consider the performance of the Service Level Agreement which focused on Private Sector Housing.  Members noted that an amber rating had been given to the ‘satisfactory quarterly monitoring report and contract management meeting’ heading as the meeting had yet to be held.


To date 680 properties had been visited with 337 residents receiving 3 or more contacts, and many had been referred to other agencies for support.   Feedback regarding the service had been very positive.


Members noted that the Youth Programme was still in a developmental stage and therefore performance had not yet been rated.  Members asked for more detail to be supplied on the arrangements, and it was agreed that Councillor Williams would feed information from the coordinators group to Members.




(i)         that the content of the Performance Report be noted;

(ii)       that Councillor Williams provides Members with feedback from the Youth Programme Coordinators Group.

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