Agenda item

2016/17 Treasury Management Policy and Strategy Statement (Cab.10.2.2016/12)



(i)        that the main treasury management policies, as outlined in the Treasury Policy Statement (Annex A of the report now submitted), be noted;


(ii)       that the attached Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2016/17 (Annex B of the report) be approved, including:-


a)    The revised Minimum Revenue Provision (MPR) Statement at Appendix E, and


b)    The Annual Investment Strategy for 2016/17.


Moved by Councillor Gardiner – Seconded by Councillor Franklin; and




(i)        that the main treasury management policies, as outlined in the Treasury Policy Statement (Annex A of the report now submitted), be noted;


(ii)       that the attached Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2016/17 (Annex B of the report) be approved, including:-


a)    The revised Minimum Revenue Provision (MPR) Statement at Appendix E, and


b)    The Annual Investment Strategy for 2016/17.


Supporting documents: