Agenda item

Better Care Fund - Plan for 2016/17 (HWB.02.02.2016/7)


The item was introduced by Lesley Smith, Chief Officer Barnsley CCG.  Members heard how NHS England is required to ringfence £3.519 billion within its allocation to CCGs to establish the BCF in 2016/17. The remainder of the £3.9 billion fund being made up of the £394 million Disabled Facilities Grant paid direct to local authorities.  In Barnsley the total value of the fund in 2016/17 is expected to be a similar level to 2015/16.


The meeting noted that the performance element of the BCF had been removed for 2016/7.  Beyond 2016/7, the spending review had emphasised the ambitions for the full integration of health and social care by 2020. The meeting discussed the work required within and between agencies to progress this. 


It was noted that the detailed planning guidance had yet to be published but it was suggested that planning ought to start imminently, with SSDG leading the work, supported by a task and finish group of relevant officers.



(i) that the policy framework for 2016/17 and related requirements be noted;

(ii) that SSDG be tasked to draft the BCF plan for 2016/17;

(iii) that authority be given to the Chair and Vice Chair to agree the first draft of the BCF plan for 2016/17 for submission, following consultation with SSDG;

(iv) that the Board receives a final draft of the BCF plan for 2016/17 at its meeting on 5th April, 2016, prior to final submission on 11th April, 2016.

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