Agenda item

Presentation by Twiggs Grounds Maintenance (Pac.13.06.2019/6)


Wendy Twigg, John Twigg and Adam Price from Twiggs Grounds Maintenance were welcomed to the meeting.


Members noted that the contract was in the second year of operation and that information provided was intended to give an overview of performance over the contract period to date.


An overview of the service was given, which included the types of work undertaken, and the groups and organisations engaged.  260 Twiggs led social action projects had been undertaken, and the team had helped to establish 10 new community groups.   The team had worked with schools on 39 occasions and with businesses on 79 occasions.


131 litter picks had been undertaken, with 340 bags of waste collected. 763 volunteers and 168 young volunteers had been engaged, with a contribution of 2,595 volunteer hours.


Members heard about a variety of interventions and assistance delivered through the contract.  These included working with residents, community groups and schools on a variety of environmental projects.  A variety of examples including litter picking, bench painting, and bulb planting were given.


Members also heard of the impact of the contract on Twiggs employees and apprentices, with them gaining skills and confidence as part of their employment.


A reflection on the contract so far offered an opportunity to consider what needed to be done going forward. It was suggested that groups from throughout the area could be linked more closely, sharing information, knowledge and skills.  Work to establish this had already started, but much more could be done.


Members praised the work showing that, with a little support from Twiggs, residents, businesses, schools and community groups could achieve positive results.


RESOLVED that thanks be given for the presentation and hard work undertaken by Twiggs Grounds Maintenance to improve the area.


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