Agenda item

Appointment of Overview and Scrutiny Committee

To receive nomination for and appoint to membership of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for the ensuing year:


Overview & Scrutiny Committee:


Proposed – Councillors Bowler, Carr, T Cave, Clarke, Ennis OBE, Felton, Fielding, Frost, Gollick, Green, Daniel Griffin, Hand-Davis, Hayward, Higginbottom, Hunt, W Johnson, Leech, Lodge, Lofts, Makinson, McCarthy, Mitchell, Newing, Noble, Phillips, Richardson, Smith, Stowe, Sumner, Tattersall, Williams, Wilson, Wraith MBE and Wright  together with Co-opted Member Ms K Morritt (Parent Governor)


Thriving and Vibrant Economy work stream (to be drawn from the membership of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee):


Proposed  - Councillors Clarke, Ennis OBE, Felton, Green, Hand-Davis, Hunt, Lofts, Noble, Richardson, Stowe, Sumner and Wright


People achieving their Potential work stream (to be drawn from the membership of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee:


Proposed – Councillors T Cave, Ennis OBE, Frost, Daniel Griffin, Hayward, Lodge, Makinson, Mitchell, Newing, Smith, Tattersall and Williams


Strong and Resilient Communities work stream (to be drawn from the membership of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee:


Proposed – Councillors Bowler, Carr, Ennis OBE, Fielding, Gollick, Higginbottom, W Johnson, Leech, McCarthy, Phillips, Wilson and Wraith MBE


Moved by Councillor Howard – Seconded by Councillor Charlesworth; and


RESOLVED that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be constituted as follows for the ensuing year: -


Overview & Scrutiny Committee:


Councillors Bowler, Carr, T Cave, Clarke, Ennis OBE, Felton, Fielding, Frost, Gollick, Green, Daniel Griffin, Hand-Davis, Hayward, Higginbottom, Hunt, W Johnson, Leech, Lodge, Lofts, Makinson, McCarthy, Mitchell, Newing, Noble, Phillips, Richardson, Smith, Stowe, Sumner, Tattersall, Williams, Wilson, Wraith MBE and Wright  together with Co-opted Member Ms K Morritt (Parent Governor)


Thriving and Vibrant Economy work stream (drawn from the membership of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee):


Councillors Clarke, Ennis OBE, Felton, Green, Hand-Davis, Hunt, Lofts, Noble, Richardson, Stowe, Sumner and Wright


People achieving their Potential work stream (drawn from the membership of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee:


Councillors T Cave, Ennis OBE, Frost, Daniel Griffin, Hayward, Lodge, Makinson, Mitchell, Newing, Smith, Tattersall and Williams


Strong and Resilient Communities work stream (drawn from the membership of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee:


Councillors Bowler, Carr, Ennis OBE, Fielding, Gollick, Higginbottom, W Johnson, Leech, McCarthy, Phillips, Wilson and Wraith MBE