Agenda item

Interim Performance Report (Pac.04.10.2018/5)


The Area Council Manager spoke to the report, previously circulated.  Members noted that the document was an interim report and therefore the statistics remained the same as quarter one, but with an updated narrative.


In relation to the performance against the contract held by Twiggs Grounds Maintenance Members heard that the team had been proactive throughout the summer, working with businesses, schools and community groups. Members noted the improved promotion of regular volunteering opportunities.


Those present heard of the efforts being made to improve relationships with school and with Parish Councils in the area.


An update was given on the contract held by Age UK, with performance being positive.  It was noted that more intense work with individuals was now taking place, and work was increasingly targeting outlying areas.  Tankersley had been highlighted as an area with a concentration of loneliness and isolation and as a result a drop in session held over 4 weeks had been arranged.


Members noted the Winter Warmth event arranged to take place on 24th October, 2018 and the case study included as part of the report, which served to highlight the intergenerational benefits of the service.


The attention of Members was drawn to the performance information provided by Penistone Local Link.  Members heard how the service had begun to promote volunteering, consult with residents and consider how the service may become more sustainable in the longer term.   This included potentially extending the service to take shoppers to Fox Valley.


Members noted the brief update from Penistone Round Table regarding the Community Equipment Bank.  Feedback was positive and the resource was used widely throughout the community.  Members noted that there was an underspend, and it was advised that details of the proposed use of this will be taken back for decision to the Working together fund panel.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.

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