Agenda item

Age UK pilot - presentation on progress (Sac.26.10.2018/7)


Jane Holliday, Chief Executive Officer Age UK Barnsley was welcomed to the meeting.  Members were reminded of the work of Age UK Barnsley, noting its autonomy in the borough and links with the national charity.


The health impact of loneliness and isolation was noted, both physical impacts such as high blood pressure and coronary heart disease, and impacts on mental health such as depression.


Members noted the scope of the pilot, to provide a worker in the areas of Cudworth and Wombwell to show what can be achieved with a small amount of finance, working in partnership, with a view to impacts being sustainable.


A worker has been operational for 25 hours per week in Wombwell, with the first part of their role being to establish the issues faced by residents.  It was noted that there are a range of groups operating, however many of these have low numbers of users, which continue to dwindle.  There is little in the way of coordination or communication between groups, which leads to users being unaware of other opportunities in the area.


Transport had also been highlighted as an issue, with areas other than Wombwell often easier to access than the town centre itself.  Transport also added a further financial burden.


The worker had been working one-to-one with individuals, with 20 supported to date.  Referrals had largely been made from medical services, and were from Wombwell and also from the surrounding areas.  Each individual was assessed, with a range of interventions used to support.


Using the South Area Council’s information, a directory of groups available had been further developed and the pilot had looked to recruit local volunteers.  Five were now volunteering formally, with a further 3 undertaking the role informally.  The difficulty in attracting volunteers was noted.


Members noted the provision of an Information and Advice Worker available for one day a week, with eight people supported so far.


To respond to the findings to date a ‘Community Connector Service’ was recommended, with support provided to existing groups, with individuals signposted via events such as a ‘Pop up tea parties’.   Members noted the efforts being made to recruit more volunteers in the hope that good neighbouring would remain once support from Age UK Barnsley was withdrawn.


Those present heard of the proposals to continue the provision of information and advice, the work with individuals, and also to hold events/roadshows focusing on issues faced by older people.


Members noted the pilot was funded until April 2019, and agreed for a further report on progress to be submitted to the Area Council in early 2019.  Funding had been sought post April, with a submission to the Building Connections Fund through to the second round.   If successful this would fund a worker for two years, working 30 hours a week, with additional support for a researcher at the beginning of the programme.  If unsuccessful the pilot would provide a wealth of information for the South Area Council to consider how to address, with the support of Age UK Barnsley going forward.


Members noted the improvements being made in referrals from health professionals, and it was acknowledged that Age UK was a well known organisation, which assisted this. 


Those present discussed the numbers of residents volunteering for family and friends in the area.  Whilst these networks were largely positive, they could also lead to isolation for those without this support.


Members noted the interface between Age UK Barnsley, and LiveWellBarnsley, with all events and service on the site.


The meeting discussed the innovative approaches taken by Age UK Barnsley, including the Men In Sheds initiative which had engaged this often underrepresented group.


Those present discussed the interface between the Information and Advice given by Age UK Barnsley, and that provided through the Advice Services contract, with referrals being made to and from each service.



(i)            That thanks be given for the presentation and update on findings;

(ii)          That the work of Age UK In the South Area be supported; and

(iii)         That a further update be considered by the Area Council in early 2019.