Agenda item

Procurement and Financial Update (Sac.15.06.2018/7)


The Community Development Worker reminded Members of the workshop recently held to consider the contracts currently held by the Area Council, with a view to discussing the commissioning intentions for 2019/20 an later.


It was noted that the contracts for the Tidy Team, Environmental Enforcement and Private Sector Housing SLA would finish at the end of the financial year, with the Advice Service contract finishing at the end of June, 2019.


Members were given an overview of the current financial situation, noting that £46,434 remained for allocation within the current year, and £381.250 in 2019/20.


Those present noted the outcome of the workshop held on 25th May, 2018.  With reference to the Tidy Team, a refocusing on upskilling groups and residents with an increased educational remit was suggested, as was a priority around local employment and apprenticeships.


Members discussed the current service level agreement for the Private Sector Housing service, and it was suggested that this be extended for a further 12 months.


In relation to Environmental Enforcement it was suggested that the service refocuses on parking only, centred around the shopping centres of Wombwell and Hoyland, including in the evening and at weekends.


Members supported recommissioning the advice service, however it was suggested that the new service reflects the need to support the most in need with others encouraged to access telephone and online support.


Members discussed current levels of demand seen by the advice service and were reminded of discussion at the previous meeting.  The preferred option to address demand was for a welfare rights worker to deliver an extra service per month in both Hoyland and Wombwell in the evenings in order to assist clients with pre-booked appointments at a cost of £4,572


Members noted the suggested project ideas to be developed which included the following:- youth life skills; youth voice and influence activity, including social media; early help support projects; and the winter wellbeing event. These were in addition to the proposed focus on social isolation discussed previously by the Area Council.


With regards to the organisation of the winter wellbeing event, a proposal was received for the Area Council to allocate up to £2,000 in order to fund winter packs, room hire, promotional materials, food, and transport.  Members were made aware of an organisation who had assisted with a sloppy slippers event in Darfield who had been funded for such work, and it was suggested that they be engaged if possible to reduce duplication and costs, to maximise impact.



(i)        That the current financial position of the Area Council for 2018/19 and 2019/20 be noted;

(ii)       That the Private Sector Housing Service SLA be extended for a further year at a cost of £32,580;

(iii)      That £4,572 be allocated to fund a Welfare Rights Worker to address demand for the Advice Service in order to deliver an extra service per month in both Hoyland and Wombwell in the evenings to assist clients with pre-booked appointments;

(iv)     That tender documentation be developed for a refocused Tidy Team and Environmental Enforcement Service be developed for consideration by the Area Council at a future meeting;

(v)       That up to £2,000 be approved to support organisational costs for the Winter Wellbeing Event.

(vi)     That the areas proposed for future project development be supported.

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