Agenda item

Bumping Spaces (PAC.07.06.2018/8)


Karen Senior, colleagues and service users were welcomed to the meeting to provide an overview of the work of Bumping Spaces.


Approximately two years ago the project started with the aim to create peer support to vulnerable people in the Penistone area. Pendon House was identified as a venue as there was a need to make better use of their lounge.  The project brought people together, with a mix of old and new people attending, both residents of Pendon House and from the wider area. 


Tesco had supported the project with food, which has been used to provide lunches as well as distributed to other people who find it difficult to leave the house, with peer support volunteers involved throughout.


On a weekly basis 60 people are involved, with the luncheon club at Pendon House, a breakfast club and a meet/chat outing to Generation Café.  In bringing people together mutual peer support networks had been created, and other groups had been created as a result.


Events such as the Royal Wedding and Christmas Lunches were very well attended, but differed from traditional lunch clubs as all involved contributed, preparing the event together.


Members heard how Bumping Spaces was inclusive and spanned different walks of life, different generations, and individuals required different levels of support.  Often support was given without people realising.


Connections had been made with Age UK and other agencies, and the project offered an informal way for organisations to engage with individuals.


Currently many of the existing events only required minimal support in order to run effectively, but to take the project forward discussions were taking place with colleagues at Tesco, for future support. As a group they were involved in the Community Alehouse project, which would be run to generate funding to support community needs.


Service users and Members praised the work of the project and its success, with many other organisations and areas looking towards Bumping Spaces as a successful model for peer support.


RESOLVED that thanks be given to all those in attendance, and their work to make Bumping Spaces such a success.