Agenda item

Preventing Social Isolation and Warm Homes Commission including WHF update


Jenny MacPhail, Senior Health Improvement Officer, was welcomed to the meeting and provided the North Area Council with confirmation that Barnsley Council submitted a successful bid for the Warm Homes Fund Round Two.  This gives universal provision for the Borough, with a specific point of contact where there are concerns that someone is living in a property which does not have adequate warmth. 


It was highlighted that the Darton East Ward has a higher than average excess winter death index than other wards in the Borough and that this has increased steadily since 2006.  The reasons for this are unclear. 


The North Area Council now has an opportunity to develop a ‘reducing social isolation’ pilot project with a housing and energy focus.  It was felt that the best way to fully define the project would be to set up a workshop in conjunction with Public Health, Social Care, the Research Team and Housing and Energy Officers.


RESOLVED that members of the Health and Wellbeing Priority Group meet for a workshop on 9th April with Housing and Energy and Public Health Officers to fully define the scope and breadth of the project.

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