Agenda item

Procurement and Financial Update Report (Cen.08.01.2018/3)


The following officers were welcomed to the meeting:-


·         YMCA – Andrea Battye and Christie McFarlane

·         Exodus - Martin Sawdon and Daniel Wilkinson

·         Immortals (Targeted Youth Service, BMBC) - Karen Pearson

·         The Youth Association-Dmitry Fedotov, Jody Poole and Rebecca Coyne


Presentations were given on each of the services commissioned.  Each organisation gave an overview of their commission, the progress made and the impact seen.  Case studies were also presented.  Questions relating to each commission were then invited from Members.


With regards to the YMCA contract to ‘build emotional resilience and wellbeing in children and young people aged 8-14 years’ questions were raised regarding the availability of places and which areas were at capacity.  It was noted that there was a waiting list in a number of the areas, but where possible the young people in question would be signposted to other means of support.


The balance between the size of sessions and the ability to build relationships in groups was noted, and that the minimum size of a group was 12 individuals.  Members heard how retaining individuals within the programme helped to maximise the impact made.


Members noted that many individuals, when leaving the scheme, did engage with other YMCA programmes.


Suggestions were made to provide further detail, where possible, including the numbers signposted and the associated destination, where individuals were referred from, and demographic information such as age group and ethnicity.  A number of compliments on the work of the YMCA in the area were also given.


With regards to the YMCA contract to deliver youth work in the Dodworth Ward Members noted the focus on young males in the area, and the successes seen.  However, the difficulty experienced in engaging older males was acknowledged.


Thanks were expressed to Exodus for their work supporting events, and questions asked about ensuring safeguarding in their work.  Assurances were given that junior leaders were appropriately supervised and adults were DBS checked.  It was noted that the project also provided opportunities wider than volunteering, which included placements for students from colleges and schools.


Members commented on the work undertaken as part of the Immortals project around the skate park at Hoyle Mill, with young people engaged in the lighting improvements and organising an event.  It was noted that BMBC was liable for health and safety at the site, but for any event the organisers would undertake risk assessments.  Those present noted the engagement of young people in Worsbrough Dale Park and Pavilion, and the work to try and engage more girls.


In relation to the Youth Association project Members commented on the successful Christmas events, and it was noted that some of the engagement had led to wider involvement of parents.


Questions were raised in relation to the numbers attending, and 50 individuals had been engaged overall with 15 regularly attending sessions. These were from 4 different ethnic backgrounds.  Concerns were raised around whether the project was promoting groups to mix across communities, rather than fostering cohesion within communities, but in response it was stated that young people from a variety of backgrounds resident in the Central Ward did engage, and that it could take time to build relationships and trust in order to promote engagement.


The officers attending to present were thanked for the presentations and left the room.

Members then discussed the services and whether they should be extended.  Attention was then drawn to updates on other contracted services contained within the report related to Twiggs Grounds Maintenance, Private Sector Housing SLA, and Homestart Home Visiting Service.  Members acknowledged the savings made due to staff leaving the Private Sector Housing service, and the need to accelerate the review of the service.


Attention was drawn to the current financial position and the projected levels of finance to commission services from in future years contained within the appendix.



(i)        that the overview of Central Area Council’s contracts, contract extensions and associated timescales be noted;


(ii)       that approval be given to extend the service provided by YMCA ‘to build emotional resilience and wellbeing in children and young people aged 8-14 years’ for a further one year period from 1st April, 2018 at a cost of £130,000;


(iii)      that the update relating to the four Youth Resilience Fund Projects currently being delivered be noted, and that these be extended to run for a further eight week period at a total cost of £10,000;


(iv)      that the financial position for 2016/17 to 2019/20 including projected expenditure be noted.


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