Agenda item

Annual Governance Report 2016/17


The Chief Executive and Executive Director Core Services will submit a joint report on the final Annual Governance Statement for 2016/17 and seeking approval to refer it to Council for consideration.


Further to minute 15 of the previous meeting held on the 19th July, 2017, the Committee considered a joint report of the Chief Executive and Executive Director Core Services on the final Annual Governance Statement for 2016/17, requesting the Committee to refer it to Council for consideration and adoption as part of the process for approving the 2016/17 Statement of Accounts.  A copy of the Statement was appended to the report.


In the ensuing discussion, reference was made to the following:


·         There was a discussion as to the effectiveness of the authority’s scrutiny process. 

o   It was noted that the Committee comprised both elected and co-opted members tougher with parent governor representatives and that there were robust processes in place coupled with a significant work programme.  Indicators suggested that the Scrutiny Committee was performing appropriately

o   The Chief Executive made reference to the reports that were submitted Cabinet on a periodic basis from both the Scrutiny Committee and from the three Task and Finish Groups.  In addition, she reported that customer views were also being sought about the effectiveness of the process and any learning points would be addressed

o   There was some concern that following the merger of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee there was an over emphasis on children’s services issues which, whilst understandable, was perhaps to the detriment of other matters that required scrutiny attention.  The Chief Executive stated that there was to be an examination of work load, balance and focus and further details on the outcome of this would be available in due course.  She commented, however, that given the recent ‘Rotherham’ judgement the focus of scrutiny had, perhaps, necessarily been on children and safeguarding related matters

·         In response to specific questioning, reference was made to the reasons for the increase in the number of contract waivers within the context of the compliance with Contract Procedure Rules.  It was noted that following the introduction of improved processes, these matters were now being picked up.  The Risk and Governance Manager commented that as part of the Annual Governance Statement, Service Directors were being asked to look at reducing the number of waivers issued and to undertake ‘smarter’ procurement.  No examples of the number of waivers was available at the meeting but these would be made available.  Arising out of this discussion, the Chief Executive commented that she received a quarterly report as part of the performance management process. 

·         Arising out of the above, the Service Director Legal Services made reference to the review currently being undertaken of Contract Standing Orders.  He explained that contract waivers were always challenged and evidenced to ensure compliance with those Standing Orders

·         There was a discussion of the impact of Future Council particularly in relation to the role of Internal Audit and to the implications of changed structures, new and changed systems and the increase in workloads for many managers which had impacted upon their ability to maintain reasonable and effective controls in some areas of activity.  Reference was also made in this respect to the change in risk appetite that was required.  The Head of Internal Audit and Corporate Anti-Fraud stated that his service was alert to such issues

·         Reference was made to the need to ensure openness and comprehensive stakeholder engagement and in this respect particular mention was made to the current position with regard to Sheffield City Region and the wider Yorkshire Region devolution discussions particularly in view of the impact this could have on Barnsley and the Council in particular in terms of the possible loss of assets.  It was suggested that this matter should be addressed within the Authority’s Risk Register and in response, the Audit and Risk Manager stated that this would be addressed within the next register review which was due for consideration by this Committee in December 2017

·         The Risk and Governance Manager referred to a typographical error within item 2 of Appendix one which he stated should state ‘open’ rather than ‘closed’

·         It was noted that one of the Independent Members who was unable to attend the meeting this afternoon had submitted a series of questions.  The Risk and Governance Manager stated that responses would be provided for all Members of the Committee


RECOMMENDED TO FULL COUNCIL ON THE 28th SEPTEMBER, 2017 that the final Annual Governance Statement 2016/17 be approved and adopted.


Supporting documents: