Agenda item

Grantfinder Open 4 Community - Presentation by Idox (Sac.20.10.2017/6)


Martin Clancy, Enterprise Account Manager for Idox, was welcomed to the meeting to speak about Grantfinder. 


Members heard about the work of Idox, currently supporting 90 Local Authorities, with 30 years of experience.   40 researchers were employed to ensure information supplied through Grantfinder had all the relevant information possible, and that this was up to date.


Those present heard how Grantfinder was only one of the products offered by Idox, and others included such as Policyfinder and Open 4 Communities.


Members received a brief demonstration of the Grantfinder system, and a discussion was entered into around the uses and merits of the system. It was noted that access to Grantfinder was £7,000 per year, with an additional £3,000 of additional one off set up costs for Open 4 Communities.  This included initial training for 10-20 officers, and access to the Idox helpdesk, as well as online resources.  It was noted that costs for Grantfinder could be reduced slightly through longer term contracts.


It was noted that purchase of the Grantfinder package would be considered by the Area Council in due course, mindful of the current budgetary constraints.

RESOLVED that thanks be given for the presentation.


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