Agenda item

Future Council Strategy Progress

Following a brief introductory presentation, to consider a report of the Executive Director Core Services (Item 4a attached) in respect of Future Council Strategy Progress and the Organisation Improvement Strategy (Item 4b attached).


The following witnesses were welcomed to the meeting:-


·         Andrew Frosdick, Executive Director Core Services

·         Michael Potter, Service Director Business Improvement and Communications

·         Amanda Glew, Head of Organisation and Workforce Improvement

·         Councillor Robin Franklin, Core Services Cabinet Support Member.


The meeting received a presentation giving an overview of the Organisation Improvement Strategy 2017–20, which had been developed to ensure that the Council continued to drive forward changes in improvements to meet the demands required of a modern council.  The presentation identified key achievements in relation to organisational change and transformation for the period 2014-17, and identifying the key themes and areas focused in taking forward the Strategy to 2020, as contained within the high level delivery plan.


Members asked questions in response to the report submitted and presentation and the following matters were highlighted:-


·         Work was being undertaken to ensure the transfer of skills and knowledge as part of a succession planning toolkit, and to develop clear career pathways in known shortage areas.  The need to engage with managers to raise their awareness of these issues and develop flexible work pathways was acknowledged, particularly as implementation of savings proposals resulted in reduced staff numbers.


·         The meeting noted that it had been hoped to have made more progress on workforce and succession planning than was currently the case, with the need for this approach to be more fully embedded across the Council.  Similarly, coaching and mentoring were taking place informally, but more needed to be done to embed the relevant processes and procedures. 


·         Whilst the Organisation Improvement Strategy had been developed in the context of the Council’s reducing resource base, the improvements proposed within it were considered necessary in any event to respond to the wider environment and expectations of service users.  In general, employees recognised the need to work more flexibly within a changing culture, particularly where this removed unnecessary process.  The need to invest in training and development infrastructure to support this change was also acknowledged.


·         The likely impact on staff morale during this period of change was recognised.  Staff morale was monitored as part of the Talkabout process, which also went some way to building staff morale, and in the bi-annual staff survey.  The evidence from the Investors in People Accreditation process also provided a good evidence base of strong staff morale, but the need for Service Directors and managers to consider this issue in day to day operations so that the organisation did not become complacent was acknowledged.  Managers were aware that stress and other mental health issues were now the main causes of absence due to ill health, but there were good levels of resource within the Occupational Health Service to address this.


·         Greater emphasis was being placed on employees seeking out training opportunities, for example through research, mentoring or job shadowing, rather than traditional courses so they took more responsibility for their own personal development.  Although there was a good rate of return for completed Performance and Development Reviews, there was a concern that the focus was on completing the process rather than the quality of the outcomes, which this change in emphasis was hoped to address.  The Performance and Development Review process itself was also under review and staff will be engaged in this work.


·         The importance of achieving the right balance in the Member Development Programme was acknowledged, between respecting the Members’ role as accountable to the electorate whilst at the same time providing development opportunities for those Members who wish to take them up.  The need for Members to be provided with suitable services and equipment to do this was important, and work continued to deal with issues associated with Members ICT.


·         It was important that obstacles were not placed in the way of achieving good engagement with the public, for example by moving towards “on-line” only when older people were less likely to use electronic means of communication.  Customer satisfaction with Council services was kept under review, and the latest annual report contained positive messages about this, although a pilot project in relation to housing benefits and council tax was considering how to improve accessibility for people who cannot use on-line systems.  In terms of Member enquiries, there was a need to evaluate the Highways Pilot project which had considered concerns about the ability of Members to make representations.  However, Members were encouraged to contact the relevant Service Director where they had particular concerns.


·         SMT were aware of the likely impact on staff morale resulting from the erosion of salary levels over the period from 2008, although these were paid in accordance with national pay agreements.  Changes to the National Living Wage would require some re-alignment of salary levels which was not provided for within the Medium Term Financial Strategy so likely impacts were being modelled.  However, the most recent Employee Survey suggested that pay was not one of the top five issues of concern for staff, with involvement in decision making, for example, considered more significant.




(i)        that witnesses be thanked for their attendance and contributions;


(ii)       that Members be provided with information on the Member Enquiries Highways Pilot and updated staff contact details; and


(iii)      that Members be provided with further information on levels of Performance and Development Reviews that have been completed across the Council.

Supporting documents: