Agenda item

Principal Towns Investment Programme (PAC.09.02.2017/7)


The Area Council Manager introduced the item, and gave a presentation on the programme.  The £5million investment programme was intended to ensure the regeneration taking place in Barnsley Town Centre was also experienced in other centres around the borough.


Members heard how the programme would be looking to invest in 8 Principal Towns and 11 Local Centres, with projects being in excess of £100,000 in Principal Towns and over £50,000 in Local Centres. Examples of the types of investment that could be made were given.


The meeting noted that two Project Managers would be employed to assist in delivering the programme, and these would be working with the Ward Alliance, Area Teams and other stakeholders to develop schemes, including business cases for investment.


Members noted that a project board would be established and would meet three times a year to assess business cases against set criteria.


Members discussed a number of proposals in development, emanating from both the Tourism Forum and the Neighbourhood Development Plan.  It was suggested that proposals in the area focus on Penistone Town Centre, which would include gateways, signage, traffic flows and parking for cars and coaches.  It was noted that the board would be looking for match funding, from either the private or voluntary sector.


RESOLVED that the report be noted, and that Members engage in stakeholder events to develop proposals.



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