Document Members Allowances Scheme

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Members Allowances Scheme

All councillors receive a basic allowance in recognition of the work they do on behalf of the community, such as representing their consituents and attending council meetings. Members with extra responsibilities, for example Cabinet members and chairpersons of regulatory boards also receive a 'special responsibility allowance' for the extra work involved. Members are also entitled to receive a banded mileage allowance. The above types of allowances are taxable.

You can find out more in the Council's 'Members' Allowances Scheme'. The scheme is based on rules set out in legislation and also to take account of the views of an Independent Remuneration Panel which can be viewed below.

Each year the Council publishes the amount claimed by each councillor in an annual statement. The Annual Statement & Public Notice for the year 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022 can be viewed below.

Details of the allowances claimed by councillors are available for public inspection, by appointment only, before the council closes its annual accounts.

Email: if you have any questions about the Members' Allowances Scheme or want to inspect the details of claims made.